Visit Experience Lake Louise
Here are some other convenient services we provide at Experience Lake Louise.

Lake Louise & Banff Attractions & tours
Lake Louise & Banff attractions & tours are available at Experience Lake Louise.

Car Rentals
Want to plan a day trip to some scenic lakes or other popular attractions nearby? Our team at Experience Lake Louise can share details on the best places to visit on your trip, like Emerald Lake.
Call 1 (403) 522-3870 or email to book or receive more information.

Souvenirs & Branded Apparel
Souvenirs & branded apparel available at Experience Lake Louise.

Currency Exchange
Many international guest’s dollars go further at Lake Louise. Currency exchange service available at Experience Lake Louise.

Banking Services
(ATB Financial)
Banking Services (ATB Financial) available at Experience Lake Louise.

About Experience Lake Louise
In our continuing effort to better serve our guests, both on and off the slopes, we are proud to offer a full-service outlet in the Village of Lake Louise called Experience Lake Louise. Conveniently located minutes away from the resort, Experience Lake Louise is your one-stop-shop for everything you will need on your visit to Lake Louise.
#2, Building
B Samson Mall 101 Lake Louise Drive
Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada
T0L 1E0
Toll-free: 1 (844) 568-4731
Local: 1 (403) 522-1319